10 Clone Wars Lightsaber Duels That Totally Rival The Movies

George X


  • Lightsaber battles in The Clone Wars are iconic and feature characters not seen in the prequel trilogy.
  • Ahsoka & Luminara battle Asajj Ventress; Kit Fisto outmaneuvers Grievous in foggy environment.
  • Obi-Wan faces Darth Maul & Savage Opress alone; Ahsoka vs. Maul fight is one of the best in Star Wars.

One of the most iconic parts of Star Wars is the lightsaber battles, but the fights in Star Wars: The Clone Wars often go underrepresented. Every Star Wars fan remembers great fights such as the Duel of the Fates that occurred on Naboo, but not everyone has spent time watching through The Clone Wars – and they’re missing out on some of the greatest lightsaber duels in the entire franchise. There aren’t a small number of these great fights either, with them happening quite often throughout the show.

Not only are these fights spectacular to watch, but they also involve characters who either never or rarely appeared in the prequel trilogy. Characters such as Kit Fisto and Luminara Unduli get their moments to shine, and iconic characters like Ahsoka Tano were created. Because of this, the best of the best lightsaber battles were brought to the franchise, fully realized and animated.


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10 Ahsoka Tano & Luminara Unduli Fought Asajj Ventress

They Tried And Failed To Stop Her From Freeing Nute Gunray

Occurring as far back as season 1 in the episode “Cloak of Darkness,” Ahsoka Tano and Luminara Unduli team up in order to face off against Asajj Ventress, who at this time is operating as a Sith assassin under Count Dooku. This duel occured on the Jedi ship Tranquility, where Nute Gunray was being held captive. In order to free him, Asajj distracted the Jedi on board while Captain Argyus helped Nute Gunray escape.

This duel is iconic for many reasons, one of which being the ease with which Asajj seems to hold off not one but two Jedi. She is incredibly powerful here, and it is easy to see why she became such a beloved recurring character. Not only this, but Luminara Unduli is given an incredible duel here, assisting a very young Ahsoka Tano in an incredible two on one battle.

9 Count Dooku Fought Both Anakin Skywalker & Obi-Wan Kenobi With Ease

Another Two On One Battle Showed The Incredible Power Of The Sith

Although Anakin and Obi-Wan have dueled against Count Dooku many times throughout The Clone Wars series, their confrontation during season 6, episode 10 “The Lost One” is one of their all-time best. While chasing down leads on Sifo-Dyas, the two encounter Count Dooku once again, this time on the planet Oba Diah. It is only then that he reveals to them after all this time that he is Darth Tyranus.

Throughout the fight it almost seems as though Count Dooku is toying with them, keeping one hand behind his back and even nearly killing Obi-Wan by throwing him off of the edge of the pathway. The duel itself mirrors the one this trio will eventually have in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, down to it ending in a one on one between Anakin and Dooku. However, this time Dooku comes away with the win and escapes before the Jedi can do anything.

8 Kit Fisto Outmaneuvered General Grievous, But Let Him Live

He Stood As An Example Of The Jedi Way

In season 1, episode 10 “Lair of Grievous,” Kit Fisto and his one-time Padawan Nahdar Vebb make their way to the hideout of General Grievous in an attempt to take him down. Before the battle can even begin, Grievous kills Nahdar Vebb, leaving him and Kit Fisto alone in what could be assumed would be a one-on-one fight to the death. But the moment Kit Fisto begins gaining ground, MagnaGuards arrive to assist Grievous, and Kit Fisto is forced to retreat.

This fight is unique in the fact that it takes place in a foggy environment, and instead of using that for the aesthetic, it fully takes advantage of what that could mean for visibility in a fight.

This fight is unique in the fact that it takes place in a foggy environment, and instead of using that for the aesthetic, it fully takes advantage of what that could mean for visibility in a fight. Right at the beginning, Kit Fisto disappears into the fog, only to reappear directly behind General Grievous. Though the fight inevitably ends in a draw, the cinematic styling found here makes for an incredible introduction to Kit Fisto.


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7 Anakin Skywalker & Obi-Wan Kenobi Fought Against Ahsoka Tano

The Planet Mortis Briefly Turned Ahsoka To The Dark Side

The Mortis arc of The Clone Wars is one of the most interesting in the entire series, offering a look at the balance in the Force and Anakin’s eventual fall to the dark side. During this arc in season 3, episode 16, “The Altar of Mortis,” the personification of the dark side known as The Son corrupts Ahsoka, forcing her to briefly fall to the dark side. She then attempts to kill Anakin, claiming how much she hates him.

Though this fight starts as a very personal one-on-one between master and disciple, Obi-Wan quickly joins the fray in a desperate attempt to help Anakin save Ahsoka from The Son’s influence. Speaking with her as they fight is not enough to bring her back to the light, despite how hard the two of them try. In the end, Ahsoka is killed by The Son once she is no longer useful to him, only to later be brought back to life with no memory of the events that occurred.

6 Darth Maul Overpowered Pre Vizsla To Win The Darksaber

This Allowed Him To Become The Ruler Of Mandalore

The Mandalore arcs are some of the most well known arcs of The Clone Wars, and for good reason. There are countless iconic scenes to come out of these stories, and the fights are no different. One of the most important of these fights occurs when Darth Maul challenges Pre Vizsla for the Darksaber, winning it in combat and then inheriting rule of the planet of Mandalore.

Taking place in season 5, episode 15, “Shades of Reason,” this fight takes the series to a new level. Seeing a battle between a one-time Sith and a Mandalorian is a treat in and of itself, with Pre Vizsla using every weapon in his arsenal in an attempt to defeat Maul. It is not enough, however, as even when Maul is disarmed, he is still capable enough to defeat the leader of the Mandalorians.

5 Anakin Skywalker Fought Barriss Offee To Prove Ahsoka’s Innocence

Even After Everything, Anakin Always Trusted Ahsoka

At the end of The Clone Wars season 5, Ahsoka Tano is framed for a bombing on the Jedi Temple. She initially believes that Asajj Ventress was the one to frame her for this, as she previously saw someone dressed as Asajj at the scene of the crime. However, despite Ahsoka’s warnings and pleas that she did not commit this crime, the Jedi Council does not believe her. Anakin is the only one who does, then goes on to clear her name.

This search eventually leads him to Barriss Offee, a person who until now had seemed like a friend to Ahsoka. What starts off as a tense conversation between two Jedi quickly turns to an all-out battle, with the surprise reveal that Barriss has indeed fallen to the dark side. Though Barriss is quickly outmatched by Anakin, the betrayal is enough to make this fight one worth watching.

4 Adi Gallia Was Killed Assisting Obi-Wan Kenobi In Battle

This Left Him To Face Darth Maul And Savage Opress Alone

The first episode of season 5 starts out strong with “Revival,” in which Darth Maul and Savage Opress assault the base of Hondo Ohnaka, the leader of a group of pirates. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Adi Gallia arrive to assist in fighting back the brothers, quickly catching the attention of the two. Right when the fight begins, Adi Gallia is killed by Savage, leaving Obi-Wan to fight the two of them alone.

After picking up Adi Gallia’s lightsaber and running to relative safety, Maul and Savage both chase Obi-Wan down. This fight continues on with some of the most impressive action in all The Clone Wars, starting what would prove to be an action-packed season off with a bang. These scenes show the incredible skill of Obi-Wan as a Jedi, and though he struggles to fight the two of them back, he manages with a little help from the pirates.


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3 Obi-Wan & Asajj Ventress Teamed Up Against Maul And Savage

Asajj Helped Obi-Wan To Escape What Would Have Been Certain Death

In another two versus two fight involving Obi-Wan, Maul, and Savage, this fight has a much more positive outcome than the last. In season 4, episode 22, “Revenge,” Obi-Wan is captured by Maul and Savage, having made his way to the planet in response to the two’s wanton killing of the local population. In a shocking decision, Asajj decides to assist Obi-Wan, helping him to escape from his captors.

Asajj then lends Obi-Wan one of her lightsabers, allowing him to properly fight back against their attackers. Not only is it a little bit of cinematic eye candy to watch Obi-Wan fight with a red lightsaber, but the fight itself is incredibly cinematic with its framing and camera angles. With Maul and Savage’s brutal attacks constantly throwing Obi-Wan and Asajj into boxes and keeping them on the back foot, it feels as though there are real stakes in this fight with lives on the line.

2 Darth Maul & Savage Opress Fought Darth Sidious

It Was A Harsh Reminder Of The Strength Of The Sith

After being completely forgotten by his one-time Master Darth Sidious after his original loss to Obi-Wan in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, Maul has taken matters into his own hands in conquering Mandalore. However, in season 5, episode 16, “The Lawless,” Darth Sidious makes a surprise visit to Mandalore. Maul and Savage initially start out seeming amicable, with Maul calling him his master, but eventually the two attack Darth Sidious.

The two are very clearly completely outmatched, with Darth Sidious even killing Savage before Maul’s eyes. Maul then draws the Darksaber in an attempt to kill his previous master, but even that is not enough to kill him. The fight is a complete showcase of the power of Darth Sidious, showing that even against characters as strong as Maul, he will always come out on top.

1 Ahsoka Tano Faced Off Against Darth Maul On Mandalore

This Match Is One Of The Best In All Of Star Wars

The greatest fight in all of The Clone Wars does not happen between any of the main characters from the prequel trilogy. Rather, this fight occurs between Ahsoka Tano, a character created for the show, and Darth Maul, a minor villain who was thought to have died in The Phantom Menace. This fight shows Maul attempting to draw Ahsoka to the dark side, claiming that he has seen a vision and that Anakin will eventually fall to Darth Sidious.

The most tragic part is that Ahsoka does not believe him, keeping her faith that Anakin will stay faithful to the light. Once she defeats him after a fight that, while simple, shows just how good a clean lightsaber fight can be, Maul begs to die, as if dying at her hands would spare him seeing what the galaxy would become at Anakin’s hands. It is a chilling scene, especially given what would eventually happen in Revenge of the Sith, making this fight one of the best in all of The Clone Wars.

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